Five Guidelines to Help You Decide on a Specific Pond Fountain

Five Guidelines to Help You Decide on a Specific Pond Fountain

Including a fountain in your pond can help improve its attractiveness and the mood around it. Nevertheless, aesthetics is not all there is in deciding on the genre of the pond fountain, as it’s crucial to consider the relevance of the fountain to the pond and other factors. Here are five key factors you should consider when choosing a pond fountain to make sure it appeals to you visually and performs its duties as required in your particular pond setup.

Pond Size and Depth

Before you search for Kasco fountains for sale, the size and depth of your pond are perhaps the most critical factors in determining the model of the appropriate fountain that you should choose. For instance, in large ponds, larger pagodas characterized by high spray jets and wide patterns may be installed, considering the small ponds need a compact pagoda. For profound centers with depth, fountains with height-adjustable nozzles that suit your desired spray height may be ideal.

To measure the surface size, merely multiply width x length. An acre = 43,560 square feet.

Fountains are not only for aesthetic purposes but also to provide much needed oxygen for pond health. Kasco recommends the following horsepower strengths for optimal pond aeration:

Decorative fountains: 1HP for every ½ acre of pond size

Aerating fountains: ¾ HP for every ½ acre of pond size

Aerators: 1/2HP for every ½ acre of pond size

(It is important to note that HP is measured differently by different companies. Kasco measures it accurately, but some companies only measure input horsepower, which is not a true measure of water flow.)

If your pond is greater than seven feet of depth, on average, then proper aeration will require a bottom aerator, diffuser system.

Pump Capacity and Power

The pump allows the fountain to operate; hence, it is very important to choose one with the right power. The pump capacity is usually measured in gallons per hour (GPH), which depends on the size of your pond’s water volume. The general rule of thumb is to select a pump that can effectively turn the entire pond volume at least once in two hours. So, for example, no less than one hundred thousand gallons of water holder has a five hundred GPH suction. There is also an extent to which the pump placed is weak where the flow is not quenched, while an overly strong pump will destroy the pond ecology.

Spray Pattern

Before you search for Scott fountains for sale, you should know that there are different spray styles available for pond fountains, including single jets and multi-tiered romantic fountains. The type of spray pattern that you choose should aesthetically fit into the design of your landscape. Classic systems such as high column jet fountains or tiered cascades are very effective in a formal garden. If the setting of your pond is natural, less aggressive sprays that represent the natural water flow might fit in easily. There are also fountain heads with removable nozzles, allowing users to change the patterns accordingly.

Aesthetic Stimulation and Lighting Possibilities

Installing a pond fountain in your outdoor area should not only be for functionality – it should beautify this area. Adding a well-chosen pond fountain to your patio is important as well. Look out for fountains that come with LED lighting for impressive night displays. In the evening, particularly in the darkness, enhancing the pond with lights set up in different colors around the edges is possible. Nowadays, many fountains can be controlled remotely for lighting intensity, spraying affect height, or other purposes, providing maximum options to the user.

Durability & Maintenance

There comes a time when one has to clean the pond fountain. Most of the time, they help you save energy by reducing the time taken to clear these pieces. Target models are designed with sustainable and waterproof materials like stainless steel or hard plastic that will withstand weather. They also assist in getting rid of trash or dirt particles that can cause blockage in the pump. As such, fountains come with an inbuilt filter.


Settling on one fountain for the pond has its own challenges as it combines one’s sense of beauty with one’s imagination. There is all this flexibility provided and more so, together with flexibility in terms of the size and depth of your pond, pump capacity, how the water will be sprayed out, the beauty of the fountain, what care it needs, so that it both embellishes the courtyard and serves effectively for years to come.

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